Wednesday, January 2, 2013

How The Bible And The Lord Of The Rings Are The Same. (Part Two)

How The Bible And The Lord Of The Rings Are The Same. (Part Two)


             As we have been “digging deeper” into the Christian meaning of the L.O.T.R series the deeper the evil gets.  In the second movie, The Two Towers, it starts off with Gollum/Sméagol and his life story.  He really does not show up in the first movie and he keeps to the shadows.  When Gollum has the ring (for 600 years) he is changed and turns into something horrible, yet you still pity him even though his thirst for the ring is unquenchable.  When Frodo does not kill him and, as I said earlier, he pities him and Gollum changes.  Sam (Frodo’s companion) only sees a monster that cannot be changed unlike Frodo who offers a helping hand.  Proverbs 15:1 says, “A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.”  When Frodo talked to Gollum kindly Gollum respected that and felt wanted, but when Sam called Gollum names he tried not to show it or react to them.  Later it is part of what turns him away from the good.  With Sam being the name caller,  and all the pain that has gone on in Gollum’s life, and the “weight” of the ring you wonder how Frodo can do all this by himself.—Smaug


The Three Travelers  (Above)  

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