Sunday, January 27, 2013

Wolves Or Wargs?

Wolves Or Wargs?

                Just like in the L.O.T.R series (The Lord of the Rings series) 'The Hobbit'  has wargs.  The first mention/showing of them was when Saruman commanded the orc to release the wargs.  These wolf-like creatures have super sharp teeth and are ridden by orc riders.  The wargs are later revealed when princess Éowyn’s father is leading the people of Rohan to Helms Deep.  The men of Rohan mounted their horses and fought/killed the wargs and their riders.  Many people were killed during the fight and the Strider was dragged off a cliff. 

                The second most popular time the wargs have appeared is in ‘The Hobbit.’  The wargs and their riders surrounded the dwarves, a hobbit and a wizard in a tree.  The tree was lite on fire but the wargs still tried to get to the trapped companions.  That is when you get a good look at the wargs.  Some have blue eyes and a slick tongue while others you can see their veins popping out.  Peter Jackson (the producer/director of the L.O.T.R series and ‘The Hobbit) had some of his own creative ideas of what the wargs might look like.  He thought they should have bright blue eyes, dark black fur, messy hair going down the sides of his ears till it gets to the chin, straight hair starting at his head that would travel all the way down its back, a wrinkly face with barred teeth, and pointy ears.  He also had another warg with the same look but white fur and red blood on different spots on its body. -- Smaug  Wargs (Above)

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