Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Lord of the Rings and Hobbit Videos

These were not created by me and they are short three minute videos of an insight of the books and movies.  I would consider them very helpful and supportive.  Please enjoy them and remember that they were not made by me.


The first video talks about the themes and ideas that are within the Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings.  It also talks about some of the ideas that Tolkien might of had in the making of The Hobbit.  Examples of that would be the facts that Tolkien wanted to make an adult themed Hobbit and he also had the vision of making a movie for the Lord of the Rings.  Sadly he died before any of this could be accomplished.  Peter Jackson made the movies and completed what Tolkien could never achieve.


The second Video talks about the Christian theme and idea within the Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings.  The video also talks about whether a person should read the books, then see the movies, don't read the books, or not watch the movies.  These are very interesting videos and the content is dazzling.  Please enjoy! --Smaug


Tuesday, July 23, 2013

The Lord Of All Horses

The Lord of all Horses


            Shadowfax is considered to be the finest horse in Middle-earth and Théoden even says that there will never be a finer horse.  Shadowfax has seen more battles than most men, elves, and (especially) Hobbits.  His rider is Gandalf and Gandalf has used Shadowfax’s great speed (which is said to be faster than the wind) to his advantage.  For instance, during the Battle of Helms Deep Gandalf organized the unorganized Rohirrim army under Erkenbrand and lead them to victory.  Shadowfax was very useful when he had to transport Peregrin Took (otherwise known as Pippin) to Minas Tirith because Sauron believed that Pippin had the Ring.  That would make Pippin an extreme target if thought to contain the Ring.  Shadowfax also helped at the siege of Gondor where he helped defend the Rammas Echor and provide medical carriage to the city.  Shadowfax was vital in saving Faramir and his army from the pursuing Nazgûl, which would have killed all of them.  Shadowfax was lastly used at the final battle at the Black Gate and it is unknown whether Gandalf fought on horseback or not.  I do not have time to write about everything Shadowfax has helped in because there is so much, but you may do your own research if you want.

            Shadowfax is the Lord of all horses and is a decedent of Felaróf, which is from the race of the Mearas.  Shadowfax is capable of understanding human speech and is said to run faster than the wind.  Shadowfax was initially owned by the House of Eorl, the Lord of Rohan, but Shadowfax was to wild to be tamed so he was given to Gandalf the White by Théoden.  Shadowfax’s name or “Sceadufæx" in Rohirric means Shadow Mane.  It also means (Shining Mane or Frost Mane).  The end of Shadowfax’s life is a mystery to all.  It is assumed that he accompanied Gandalf across the Sea and into the West. --Smaug

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