Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Bilbo Begins A Brand New Adventure!

Bilbo Begins A Brand New Adventure!


                Before Bilbo had begun on his journey he had to sign a very long contract.  They called Bilbo in the contract ‘The Burglar’ because that is what Gandalf called him.  In the contract, which freaks Bilbo out the most, it talks about his funeral preparations.  He asked why it would ever talk about such a thing and they replied “Well, because of the dragon of course.”  At the word dragon Bilbo then does a quite dramatic faint which makes everyone laugh. 

                When he awakes later he listens to them sing and makes up his mind that he is not going.  The next morning he wakes up with a change of heart.  He runs out the door with the signed contract to catch up with the small party of dwarves and a wizard.  When he finally does catch up with them and the contract is confirmed Mr. Baggins gets his own pony. 

                Interesting fact about that pony though… it is (just like the books says) supposed to have long hair because that is the kind of ponies they had then.  The only problem was that ponies only get their long hair in the winter time and they filmed ‘The Hobbit’ in mid-summer.  So the makeup artists took in the pony, put a wig on it, and got it a whole long haired pony outfit. – Smaug


  www.25.media.tumblr.com  Bilbo Riding A Pony (Above)

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