Saturday, January 12, 2013

Dwarves And Their Culture

Dwarves And Their Culture


                Dwarves are a very interesting people.  They are all very short and the men are miners/smiths.  The men do all the hard work like mining and traveling.  When they travel, their cart is pulled either by a big horned sheep, a boar, or a weird mountain goat thing that is absolutely huge.  The men also have long beards, if they don’t cut it, and they wear long robes.

                The women are almost like the men except that they are girls.  The women also have long beards and they also wear long robes.  In one of the Lord of the Rings movies, I can’t remember the exact one, Gimli (a dwarf) while on a trip was talking to the Princess Éowyn about how similar men dwarfs are to women dwarfs.  Some people even believed that there are no women dwarfs (because of the beards) and dwarves just pop out of holes in the ground.

                The children don’t have any beards (thank goodness) but they do wear elaborate jewelry.  Most dwarf children are very hipper and very enthusiastic. --Smaug  Dwarf Men (Left)

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