Sunday, December 30, 2012

How The Bible And The Lord Of The Rings Are The Same. (Part One)

How The Bible And The Lord Of The Rings Are The Same.  (Part One)


                As most people know J.R.R. Tolkien made the L.O.T.R. series based on a Christian world point of view.  Most people don’t see it that way but if you look and listen closely you will see what he was talking about.  In the first movie, The Fellowship of the Ring, it started out with the fact that the ring was evil and as time goes on it gets more evil.  The ring is representing temptation and that is what our world is still struggling with and always will be.  The Great Eye is representing Satan and he is using the ring to tempt and destroy people.  In Proverbs 13:20 which says “He who walks with the wise grows wise, but a companion of fools suffers harm.”  That is just like the movie, when Frodo is with the ring he later suffers harm to himself and to his friends but he is doing it for good.  To destroy the ring those who seek to help him will lift him up in any way that they can.

         The Evil Ring (Above)


  1. I know that some people might disagree with what I wrote but this "blog" is completly from my opinion. If you disagree please do not be angry or refuse to watch any more of the L.O.T.R. series because the producers/directors had nothing to do with this "Blog." -- Smaug

  2. Never thought of the ring being like temptation from the devil; great read Ellen. Keep up the good works in God.--UJ
