Sunday, June 30, 2013

Roast Mutton

Roast Mutton


                During Thorin and the companies’ adventure they make a stop in an area called the Lone-lands.   It is far from civilization and their camp sits behind a big rock that has a little cave in it.  There used to be a farm house there that had a family living in it, but the house had really fallen to ruin even though it seems like the trolls wrecked it.  As we all know Bilbo and the dwarves get captured by the trolls and put onto a roasting spit.  It was not very comfortable for the dwarves that had to be tied up there and Bofur (in the sound room where they listen to all the background noise and such) says very quietly, “Can I get down and now?”  He and some of the others were getting very sick from being twirled around and around. 

                The three trolls Tom, William, and Bert are more or less like the three stooges.  They are somewhat stupid, but seem to know some things.  They don’t make things and they are scavengers, so they usually keep things from past raids.  They kept all things (Kind of like my Grandma) and hoarded it all in a smelly cave.  There was gold, swords (Orcrist, Glamdring, and the knife that would later become Sting) and so much more.  They use their stuff more often than you would think.  For their spit they rigged up a mill shaft, and for their fork they got an old pitch fork from a farm that they had raided.  Those are just a few examples.

                The troll’s look was a very important detail, because if they looked cheesy that would be no fun since it is really the first encounter with some sort of bad guy.  How the trolls got their look was actually inspired from the National History Museum in New York, where Johnny Fraser-Allen (The Weta Workshop Designer) saw an Asian Rhinoceros.  He loved the massive neck flaps and their hide was really thick and plated.  After adding those features he just gave Tom, Bert, and William a more detailed mouth and more human-like noses.  Peter Jackson wanted the Trolls to be simple and their expressions to be funny and easy to read.  They lightened up some of the skin tones since they are always up at night and not in the sun taking a sun bath and they tried a bunch of British comedians’ faces for inspiration.  I think that the trolls came out beautifully.--Smaug

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